Robbery in Bank Colony
The illustrated version (courtesy TINKLE) of the story I had posted some months ago -on 27th April 2005 to be precise.
When I had gone to Kolatta in December - to Som's wedding reception - on the way back, at the airport we were timepass browsing in the bookstall when I picked up a TINKLE and lo! it had my story in it. Felt really good. Needless to say bought the book on the spot. And two other issues of TINKLE for good measure.
Later when I went home my sister was telling me that when she went to the beauty parlour she saw a kid reading my story - my sister proudly told the kid that her brother had written the story.
Its a nice feeling knowing that thousands of kids (and maybe some adults) all over India and the world are reading something I wrote. I have yet to receive any fan mail though :-)