Writer's Blog

Transient Thoughts

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The post before last is a scanned version of one of my stories published in TINKLE about 3-4 years back. I zeroxed the original and scanned the zerox. Didn't want to bring the original to Bangalore - there's a scanning machine at office - from my native place. Orignials of my published work are some of the few things I am really really attached to and I don't cart them around.

I have published some seven stories in TINKLE all more or less of the same quality ;-) as the 'LUCK PLAYS DETECTIVE'. Besides I have published two funny stories in the Women's Era (Don't judge me, I don't know any other magazine that publish longish stories almost unedited), two stories in a children's monthly called Gokulam, one story in The Hindu's Children's section and one in the Youth Express. I propose to put the scans of these one by one on my blog. Or maybe I will create a link where I'll put all my published stuff. Some time ago, I found one of my stories in a TINKLE in a second hand shop. I have that book here in Bangalore. That one story I will scan in colour.

When you send a story to TINKLE, they script it to their own needs. So not more than of your orignial words or dialogues come out in print, which is a bit disheartening. The illustrations are interesting though. Its nice to see the characters you imagined in your mind suddenly come out in colour. The fact that someone else took your work and gave it some kind of flesh and blood is really exciting. Maybe its how a playright feels when someone produces his play. But the playright has more control, ofcourse: the characters say the same things that he writes. Perhaps its more like a movie being made out of a book.


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