Writer's Blog

Transient Thoughts

Thursday, November 25, 2004

This blog is now closed.

I would have left it at that but there was a danger of it being conceived as pompous understatement. I am quitting blogging becuase I have, all on a sudden, lost enthu for writing on the net. Don't quite know all the reasons why but have a vague idea.

Here's my profile which I have been wanting to put in the fourth quadrant of the blog-screen for over six months now:

Anant S Kamath
25 years old Aanlog Design Engineer
Likes: Writing, Reading, Music and Poetry, Football and Swimming and Yoga and such like, Languages and Good Food (might have missed out a few ;-)
Wishes he could: sing and paint and dance (might get there yet)
Is going to miss slightly : Being Clever on the net.


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