Writer's Blog

Transient Thoughts

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Comment please

How is it that I get no comments for the posts I most want comments for? For eg, someone say something about how well you liked 'Spring' or... I'll have to think up another poem again this week ;-) Pardon the extortion.

By the way, these days I am paranoid about whether all the stuff I write are my own original thought, or ideas borrowed from what I read. For example in 'The Play' I was wondering if the North Indian bridegroom's analogy was really what I thought up. In 'Spring', ofcourse, 'Young man's fancy turns lightly to thoughts of love' has been intentionally copied from Tennyson.

Anyway, while I accept responsibility for the bad stuff, I request the readers' indulgence if they find that any of the good stuff reminds them of something they have read before.


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