Writer's Blog

Transient Thoughts

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Donkeys and Lions

The other day, at the entrance to the tech park where I work, I over-heard a guy talking over the phone, in an old-Bangalore accent, presumably cribbing to his friend or colleage about his (own) boss.

"A group of Donkeys led by a Lion will always win against a group of Lions led by a Donkey"

Rants against the boss are nothing new, and the phrase in itself is quite clever, but I found the Aesop-fable, panchatantra-tales like animallic analogy additionally funny - espeically when uttered in a tech park. Some employees there have probably seen neither donkey nor lion in their lifetimes.


Blogger Somshubhra said...

"Some employees there have probably seen neither donkey nor lion in their lifetimes." - or donkeys led by lions - or lions led by donkeys for that matter! Funny!! :)


Mon Mar 12, 07:19:00 PM GMT+5:30  

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